Volunteering - a professionalism you don't learn in the classroom

The most important thing is that we help each other and dare to fail. There are no stupid questions. We come from very different backgrounds, and we leave the "label" outside. When everything comes together in a higher unity, no one is more important than others!

In January 2013, Janni needed to find an internship as a marketing economist. As a newcomer, she was ready to meet new people and build a network in Kolding, so when the opportunity to volunteer at Godset arose, the young Jutlander went all in:
"I started out as a caterer. We met the artists backstage and got up close with the musicians. I also worked at the bar and in the cloakroom. It was about gaining as much experience in the venue as possible."

It didn't take long before Janni felt included in a unique community. A corps of volunteers, which today counts 120 active members, with a waiting list of 27.
"You become part of something bigger. We solve a task here and now, and we succeed together. It feels like one big hug because we uplift each other."

Backstage with celebrities and epic parties
Sometimes the volunteers blend in with the party-loving artists. It can linger after a concert. When the audience has long left Godset and the doors are locked, memorable moments arise. Occasionally, it has turned into really fun parties, creating great stories among the volunteers.

One of several good memories takes place again in Postvognen out back:
"I was catering for a major Danish artist at the beginning of my tenure. There was a party out back. They had this tour manager with them who seemed very keen on me: 'If you have any girlfriends, invite them to the concert tonight.' Later on, I remember they wanted me to join the backstage party: 'Sit down - you don't need to rush.' We were a group of young volunteers having a blast with our work back then. You merge like a little family behind the scenes. The artists appreciate the volunteers and treat us as one of them."

Typically, there are between 10 to 30 volunteers on duty. Additionally, the volunteers gather twice a year to hold a party, which rarely goes quietly. The parties mean a lot to the community:
"At the parties, you can dance and hug with whoever you want. You do have to pour your own beers, but they're free. Once I actually said no to my dad's birthday. That says something about how much fun we have."

Volunteering = respect for the community
For Janni, there is no doubt where the most important learning as a volunteer lies. It's not something you can learn in the classroom:
"I learned to see the invisible types. To listen to those who don't shout the loudest. Here, there really is room for everyone regardless of social barriers and background. We find an angle so everyone can benefit from each other and contribute to the community. My passion for Godset has always been about respect for diversity. When everything comes together in a higher unity, no one is more important than others."

What does the word Volunteer mean to you?
"Openness. When I came as a young person, I was thrown into this circus of different types of people. Here, I learned first and foremost to talk to everyone and respect the fact that we are different. We come from very different backgrounds and leave the label outside. Now it's about serving a greater cause, which depends on everyone pitching in."

Can you describe the skills you have gained by being a volunteer?
"Specifically, I learned to pour a beer correctly. But the most important thing is that we help each other and dare to fail. There are no stupid questions, and the workflow changes depending on which shift you've got. You gradually learn to be adaptable. I have also become better at setting boundaries and teaching."

How do you become a skilled volunteer?
"Everything can be learned, at least that's my attitude. But it takes a lot of practical experience and a touch of professionalism. It balances on a knife-edge of intuition and the courage to dive into it. When we have a visit from an artist, no matter who, they are at work and need to focus on their concert. Therefore, they should preferably have peace, and unnecessary disturbance is avoided. We know that we are the artist's extended arm but understand where the boundary lies."

Godset becomes a springboard to a career
In 2022, Janni is "promoted" to become the youngest organizer in history. The organizer is the person in charge at a concert. He/she is the first to arrive and the last to leave the venue. The organizers also have additional perks in the form of excursions outside the venue to other venues. Competitors and "con-colleagues" like Godset can mirror themselves and seek inspiration from.

Over the next year, many upheavals occur in Janni's life. So far, she has held a steady job as a cleaning manager at a hotel but kept the doors open for other opportunities. With a sad start, a position arises when employee Jytte passes away in early 2023. Meanwhile, Janni has become pregnant:
"I remember standing there in the office, and Freddy asks me, 'When are you actually due?' I answer, 'I was supposed to give birth last Saturday.'"

After her maternity leave, the new mother applies for the position of administrative economist and is now the voice you meet at the reception of the regional venue. After 11 years as a volunteer, she has landed her dream job at the place where she originally sought her internship. Thus, a bow is tied to the actual mission. But even though Janni - through winding paths - ended up achieving her dream job, she is still an active volunteer:
"I can't do without my other family and I'm still here as a volunteer 2-3 times a month. I haven't lost the desire to volunteer, but it's clear that my free time has become less. Fortunately, I often meet our volunteers as a coordinating leader in terms of the entire schedule. It's nice when they stick their heads into the office."

How does it feel to achieve your dream job?
"I feel like I'm getting paid for my hobby - something I love!"


Would you like to become a volunteer at Godset just like Janni and so many others? Then you can find more information about it here.