FAQ - Godset
Here you can find the answer to the most frequently asked questions.
If you cannot find the answer to your question feel free to contact us on mail or call us on phone no. +45 79 79 66 66.
Here you can find questions about tickets and the answers:
Where can I buy tickets?
ANSWER: We sell tickets online on our website www.godset.net. If you have any doubt about the ticket sale of a concert you can contact the association that organizes the concert.
Can I buy tickets at the door?
ANSWER: No and yes. Rock'In House concerts have no door sale and only sells tickets online on www.godset.net. However at Jazz6000 and Kolding Jazzklub concerts you can buy tickets at the door as long as it is not sold out. We do however recomend that you buy your ticket online beforehand as that is the only way to secure yourself a spot 100%.
I have lost my ticket. What do I do?
ANSWER: You can always find your ticket by logging into your Tixly user under the purchasing process. Here you can find your previously purchased tickets. If you have not created an user and have purchased the ticket as a guest you unfortunately do not have that option. That is why we always recomend that you create an user so you easily can find your previously purchased tickets and have an easier time buying new tickets in the future.
In case you have purchased your ticket as a guest, you can contact us by mail godsetnet@kolding.dk. Then we will help you find your lost ticket.
I have regretted buying tickets. Can I exchange my ticket or get a refund?
ANSWER: It is not possible to exchange your tickets or get a refund. Godset does not undertake the resale of purchased tickets. If you wish to try and sell your ticket we suggest that you post in the concert event of the specific concert on Facebook. There may be someone who is interested in buying your tickets
If a concert is sold out can I get on a waiting list?
ANSWER: No, you can not as we do not keep waiting lists for sold out concerts. If we get the opportunity to sell extra tickets for an otherwise sold out concert we will notify through our Facebook page. If you choose to "Like Godset" on Facebook and keep an eye on the concert event for the sold out concert, you are sure to get notified if extra tickets have been put up for sale.
Do you have any student discounts?
ANSWER: The associations that organizes the concerts have different possibilities. For example Jazz6000 have the opportunity for discounts through a membership and Rock´In House have introduced the concept SpotON Concerts.
At the concert
Here you can find questions about tickets and the answers:
Is there an age limitation for concerts?
ANSWER: No, there is none. We do however recommend that anyone under the age of 14 is accompanied by an adult. Alcohol is not served to anyone under the age of 18.
Is it possible to get a chair or be seated to all events?
ANSWER: If it is a concert with standing audiences it is not possible to get a chair or be seated. If it however is a concert with seated audiences there will be a seat for everyone. Check under the specific concert to see if it is standing or seated audiences.
If you use a wheelchair, crutches or any other personal aids you are welcome to bring this to the event.
You are not allowed to bring your own chair to events with standing audiences.
Who or what decides if a concert is with standing or seated audiences?
ANSWER: Normally it is the request of the artist playing the concert.
Is it possible for wheelchairs to enter Godset?
ANSWER: Yes, it is possible. Please look under "Access for disabled" for more information.
Are there toilet facilities for the disabled at Godset?
ANSWER: Yes, we do have toilet facilities for the disabled. Please inquire at the entrance.
Where can I park my car in the vicinity of Godset?
ANSWER: We refer you to parking at the parking house in Toldbodgade.
Important information about parking: Please note that the parking booths west of Godset belong to the DSB and parking there is only allowed if you are in possesion of a train ticket and a parking permit.
At Godset we have 2 parking spots for the disabled right outside of the venue. One single spot in the west and one double spot in the east.
At what time do the doors open for an event?
ANSWER: It depends on the event. At concerts the doors usually open an hour before the concert starts. Please look under the event in question to see exactly when the doors open.
At what time does the concert end?
ANSWER: It is hard to say as it depends on when the concert starts, the length of the artist's set and also if there are any support bands on the schedule. However the concerts usually always end before midnight - 00:00.
Who decides how loud the music can be played?
ANSWER: The sound technician of the artist decides the sound level. We do sell earplugs at the bar if you think the music becomes a bit to loud.
Who decides if the big screens are on?
ANSWER: We follow the wish of the artist. If the artist does not wish to have the big screens on, then they will not be on.
Who organizes the concerts?
ANSWER: All the concerts at Godset are organizes by voluntary associations locally based in Kolding Municipality; among them are Rock´In House and Jazz6000.
How many people do you allow at the concerts?
ANSWER: Our capacity is up to 700 standing audiences and approximately 350 seated audiences, depending on the setup of the chairs.
What do you serve at the bar?
ANSWER: We serve a selection of beer, wine, drinks, soda, cider, water, tea and coffee.
Can I buy food?
ANSWER: No, we do not sell any food. However at some events there will be catering - for instance events arranged by Kolding Jazzklub.
Is smoking allowed at Godset?
ANSWER: No, smoking is not allowed, but smokers are welcome in "Ryge Kupeen" (the smoker's compartment) which is placed just outside. You can also watch the concert on a screen in the smoker's compartment so you do not miss the concert.
How do you pay at the bar?
ANSWER: You can pay with credit card. It is also possible to pay with cash sometimes, but Godset is cash free after 8 PM which means all concerts in the evening are credit card only. At concerts happening in the day you can pay with both credit card and cash.
Can I make a cash withdrawal at the bar when buying with credit card?
ANSWER: No, it is only possible to pay the exact amount.
Godset facilities
Here you can find questions about the facilities at Godset and the answers:
How does the Café work?
ANSWER: In addition to the venue there is a café offering the possibility to host smaller concerts, clinics, workshops etc. The Café can hold up to 75 people. The Café does not function as a regular café, but is used as a venue/stage for smaller arrangements.
What is "Loftet"?
ANSWER: "Loftet” is a great room with a lot of soul and ambiance and it can hold up to 150 people! It is a perfect room for lectures, events and other such arrangements. In addition to “Loftet” there is a conference room called “Råderummet”. "Råderummet" is a conference room with enough space to seat 18 people and the option to make coffee etc.
Contact Jacob Holst, coordinator of arrangements, on phone no. +45 79 79 66 66 or by e-mail if you want to know more about these facilities.
Here you can find questions about other stuff and the answers:
Where can I find more about Tango?
ANSWER: Have a look at the website for Tango.