About rehearsal rooms

Are you looking for a place where you can play your music? A rehearsal room or maybe just a place where you can meet other musicians? Then Godset just might be the place for you!

We have 13 state-of-the-art rehearsal rooms with “floating” floors and 5 degrees angling of the walls.
Each room is soundproof and designed according to the room-to-room principle. Two of the rooms are fully equipped with sound system and instruments, bass, two fender guitars, amplifiers, drums, keyboard etc.

The possibility of renting the rehearsal rooms is an offer for people living in Kolding Municipality and everybody who enjoys playing music, amateurs as well as professionals, are welcome to rent the rooms.

We have four kinds of rehearsal room offers:

1: Rehearsal rooms, equipped:
We have 2 rooms in this category.
Book your rehearsal room online via a link on this page. When you register our office will provide you with a password so you are able to book online. Each room has a sound system, drums, two guitars, bass, keyboard, amplifiers and two microphones.
Remember to bring your own jack/jack cables, guitar straps and drumsticks.

2: Rehearsal rooms, not equipped:
We have 10 rooms in this category.
You arrange the rehearsal time with the other bands using the same room.
Each room has a sound system (2 x EV SX-300 + 1 x Dynacord PM-600).

3: Electronic rehearsal room (Musiclab):
Godset also has an electronical rehearsal room.
Please note that you will need a brief instruction to the Musiclab before you can book it.
NOTE: MusicLab is closed down October 31st.

4: Own rehearsal room (fixed rehearsal room):
Your own fixed rehearsal room that you do not have to share with other bands.
Conditions: Maximum 10 users
Is only offered if there is an available room.
The agreement can be terminated by Godset with a one month notice (current month + 30 days).
Please note: 4,300.00 DKK per month

If you are interested in renting a rehearsal room please check under Registration where you can find more information.

For information about prices you can check under Prices on this page.

Free trial

Are you looking for a rehearsal room and have not yet decided whether Godset and our rehearsal facilities is something for you? Then we can offer you and your friends one hour of rehearsal, free of charge in one of our fully equipped rooms before you decide to register with us.

The rooms are equipped with sound system and instruments. All you need to bring are cables, straps for guitar and bass and drumsticks – then you are good to go!

If and when possible we can also offer you guidance from a professional musician who can help you to get started and will offer you good advice in the process.

Godset does not offer actual tutoring. If you need tutoring we refer you to Kulturskolen Kolding (www.kulturskolenkolding.dk/).

If you are interested in a free rehearsal trial then send us a mail here. You will hear from us as soon as possible. We hope you will enjoy it!

If you wish to use our rehearsal facilities in the future please register through the link under Registration here on this site.


Godsets electronic rehearsal room - MusicLab:
As a registered user of our rehearsal rooms you will have free access to use the MusicLab as well and there is no extra charge.

You will find the brochure here.

Please note that you will need a brief instruction (a licence) on how to use the Musiclab before you can get final access.

You can follow MusicLab on Facebook: www.facebook.com/GodsetMusiclab

You can registre under Registration on this page.

NOTE: MusicLab is closed down October 31st.


You can find further information about prices under Rental Prices on this page.


Booking of rehearsal rooms

When you are registered you can book a rehearsal room here.


To become a member please register as user. It is not possible to use the rehearsal rooms until after you have registered as user.

To register for a rehearsal room you need to send an email to Janni Hansen or to Ole Madsen.

All members of a band must register:
Bands are obligated to register new members of the band straight away. This is to ensure the correct payment.
If you are testing new members (more than once) who might join your band or if you are rehearsing with guest musicians (more than once) you must inform our office about this.

Please remember to check the terms for deregistration before you register – for further information about the terms check under Deregistration on this page.

Payment terms are the current month + 30 days.

Also please remember to read the rules for using the rehearsal rooms.

How it all works:
When we have received the registration from you and all the members of your band we will e-mail you a welcome letter. The next step is that we meet with you to show you how it all works with booking, access and the use of the rooms.

Key fob:
When our office has received registrations from ALL band members we will hand out a key fob to the members who request it. The key fob is used as a key to enter the rehearsal room.

We would very much like to know which instrument you play. The reason for this is that if/when there is a workshop/clinic within your choice of instrument we will be able to contact you.

First thing to do:
Because all new bands start rehearsal in one of the fully equipped rooms (room 10 and 12) it is necessary for you to give a 4-digit code for booking a room where it says “lokalebooking”. All members of the band use this code to book rehearsal times on the website.
Where it says “password to cards” you must enter with your own personal 4-digit PIN code; the same code that is used for the chip you have received from us. Each band member has a personal code.

Rooms with no equipment:
If you as a band are interested in rehearsing in one of our rooms with your own equipment please send us an e-mail here.


Deregistration as a user of Godsets rehearsal facilities MUST be done online. To deregister please send an email to Janni Hansen or to Ole Madsen.

Deadline for deregistration
You must give 1 month notice when you deregister.
This means you deregister 1 month before you wish to stop; for instance:
For example if you wish to stop in October you must deregister the 1st of September at the latest.
In case the deadlines are not met you will end up paying for an extra periode since we are not able to stop your invoice for the next period.
Payment terms are the current month + 30 days.

Forgot to pay?
If you forget to pay we wil send you 1 reminder. If the reminder is ignored our claim is being forwarded to SKAT for collection.

When we have your deregistration and your key fob you will receive a receipt from us.

Right of the room
It is important to remember that you pay for the right to use the room and payment is not depending on
whether you use the room or not.
You are always welcome to contact us during opening hours if you have further questions.

Other information about the rehearsal rooms

Clinics & Workshops:
Godset cooperates with various groups of people about clinics and workshops for users of our rehearsal facilities and for the music audience in Kolding.

Support jobs at the venue:
Are you interested in support jobs for a main artist at the venue? Contact us via mail.

Godset and the arranging associations are keen to create even better possibilities for the rehearsal bands to get support jobs at the venue. It is mostly up to the main artists and the booking agents to decide who will be supporting, but sometimes we do have influence on who is chosen.
To be considered for a support job you must expect to meet the following requirements:
- You must be able to play for a minimum of 20 - 30 minutes.
- You are expected to play under the given circumstances; this often means reduced set-up of equipment in front of the main artists equipment
- You will not receive any payment or salary; however catering, which typically is food, chips, beers and beverages on agreement, is provided.
The organizer of the event will provide a sound technician.

Godset Play:
Are you looking for fellow musicians to play with? Or are you looking to sell your guitar or are you looking for a gig for your band? Godset Play is an online blog for users of our rehearsal facilities and it is a key element of the venue.

This blog provides you with updated information about the musical life in the city including gigs, competitions, contact info and so on. Claus Høilund runs the blog and you can contact him by mail or during opening hours of Godset monday to thursday.

Opening hours:
Monday - friday kl. 10:00 - 14:00.
The office is closed on all public holidays, as well as the day after Ascension Day and
between Christmas and New Year's.

Mobile Demo Studio:
Our mobile demo studio is always ready for use and users of our rehearsal facilities can use it free of charge. The mobile studio offers recording equipment and possibilities for burning your own cd rom. If you would like to borrow the mobile demo studio send us a mail.

"Jægerstuen" is really like your grannies old living room and that is actually the intention. In the good old days furniture was built to last and to survive a lot of wear and tear and furniture like that suits this room perfectly.

You find the room between the Musiclab and the 12 rehearsal rooms. This room is a place for you and your mates to hang out, play some Fussball, read magazines and just chill. 

You get access to "Jægerstuen" when you register and by using the chip provided by us.  

Rental prices

Rental prices for rehearsal rooms in 2024 (price figures are regulated each year):
For persons under the age of 18: DKK 120,- per month.
For persons over the age of 18: DKK 230,- per month.
For persons under the age of 65: DKK 110,- per month.
For institutions weekdays/mornings: Free of charge.
For institutions weekdays/afternoons and evenings: DKR 695,- per month.

Get your own rehearsal room:
- Maximum 10 users
- Is only offered if there is a rehearsal roon available
- The contact can be terminated by Godset with a one month notice (current month + 30 days)
- Costs 4.315.00 DKK per month

Payment for the right to use the rehearsal rooms is charged per giro - payment upfront for 1 month at a time. It is advisable to use a payment service so that you avoid reminders in the future.

You can register under Registration on this page.